Friday, December 10, 2010

Summary of effective horror movie features

From my research, i have found the following methods are used best to create an effective horror opening;

Camera Work
- Camera angles are mainly handheld to give a sense of realism
- Medium shots are used mainly for conversations/ build up etc
- Close ups are used of iconography and of the monster fodder, to give the antagonist a sense of closeness.

- Minimal editing used to show calmness, editing speeds up with presence of the antagonist to show fear and panic.

- Motivated shots used to hint at the antics of the antagonist.
- Matched cuts (Shot/reverse shot) are used to show conversation.

- High use of filter lights to create shadows and a chairoscuro effect.
- Protagonists lit more than antagonist, this has been done to represent morality etc.

- Eerie, non diegetic sounds fade in and out to create tension when danger approaches.
- Diegetic screams and shouts used as iconography of the genre.
- Crescendo used to build tention.

- Isolated house, an ordinary environment provokes a sense of horror through realism. Any isolated, inescapable setting can be used.

- Monster fodder constantly used, no development of caracter or back story given, antagonist is myserious.

- Linear, stating a very clear beginning, middle and end. Flashbacks can also be incorporated into this.
- Three act structure, includes set up, confrontation and resolution.

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