Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Effective Film Opening: Example 2


Micro Features

Camera & Editing - Titles are used firstly in the opening scene across a first person view shot flying through the sky. A high crane, establishing shot is used to show the location of the opening scene. Slow panning and tracking is used to follow what is happening in the scene. Matched cuts are used to keep the flow of the shots seem smooth. High angle shots are used from the lower crowd of people looking above at the superhero, this angle is used to represent that the superhero on top of the building seem to have a superior higher power than the people in the city streets. Slow zooms are used on the superhero to create a dramatic effect of the characters introduction. Close-ups are used on the super-hero in the opening scene to introduce him. When the scene location changes from the city to a high school, the shots changes to hand-held but still quite steady. Over shoulder shots and medium shots are used with the hand-held. This is used to make the audience feel more involved in the scene as it tracks and follows the main character as he enters the school. Camera pans onto the film title, gives the title introduction a comical effect like it swipes slowly onto the screen.

Sound - Non-diagetic sound is used to begin with as the titles appear on the screen. The music begins slow and calm, it sounds adventurious and hero like, a slow kind of fanfare to build up excitement to the characters introduction. Voice over narrative talking about old traditional superheroes play over the music, the voice sounds like a speech through an old microphone - gives an old fashioned feeling. The voice over narrative then changes to a teenage voice, the main character. Diagetic sound is used when the characters and locationm is established. The background music's pace is parallel to the action of the superhero, it grows louder and faster as he falls from the building. The music cuts off instantly when the superhero dies, this is done to create a sudden dramatic end to the superhero's life. When the location changes from city to high school, the non-diagetic music is playful, exciting music - It is a band music to represent high school.

Lighting - It appears to be natural lighting from the sun that shines down on the superhero and the other characters in the opening scene. The lighting is from high above, this gives the lighting a spotlight appeal to it. The bright light shines down on the people on the streets and it looks as though the source of light comes from the superhero on top of the building. When the location changes, the lighting is still bright. The light shines on the main character, this same use of lighting could show a relationship between the two characters, the teenage male main character and the superhero.

Macro Features

Mise en Scene - The clouds indicate that the camera view is in the sky flying. A large city landscape is usually where a superhero is based deep within, this shows the tradittional setting for a superhero comic. Also the everyday career oriented people in the city comes across something different to their routined lifestyle is usually the basic plot for a superhero film. The superhero costume signifies that this film is about superheroes and the genre would be action as there would be many action in a superhero film. The main character wears big glasses, the glasses on the character gives the appeal that he is intelligent or shows the stereotype of him being a 'geek.'

Iconography - In one shot, the camera pans onto the license plate of the taxi with the title 'Kick-Ass,' the tail lights on the car are in shape of wings. This makes the title look almost like a superhero logo or symbol as many other traditional superheroes have an iconic symbol or logo e.g. Batman's logo is in the shape of a bat. This also rienforces the genre of superhero/action.

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