Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Effective Film Opening: Example 1

Blood Diamond

Micro Features

Camera & Editing - Begins with titles and facts fading slowly in and out in front of a map outline of Africa, this establishes where the location of the film is shot. Also it provides some facts that gives the audience a clue to what the plot is to the film. Extreme close-ups are used in some shots, e.g. when the main character is fishing on his boat, this shot is used to show the importance of what he is doing, it draws the audience attention to really focus and figure what exactly he is doing. Medium shots when the characters are indoors in their home, this shows the audience how little space they have to live in. Many location/establishing shots are used in the beginning to establish the location and show the scenery, displays that the country is exotic and hot. Fast zooms are used when the action begins, the camera zooms fast into the killing of the innocent villagers. Fast pace cuts when the action occurs, this creates a dramatic and thrilling feeling.

Sound - Non-diagetic and diagetic sound is used throughout this opening scene. Music plays over the titles in the beginning, the music with the drums grow louder and faster as it gets to the end of the titles then cuts off when the scene begins - this gives the beginning of the scene a dramatic opening. The characters narratives varies from English to African with subtitles. This symbolise that there is a theme of contrast between English and African or Ethnicity throughout the film. The non-diagetic sounds are parallel to the action that occurs in the opening scene.

Lighting - The lighting used in this opening scene seem all come from a natural source, e.g. the lamp. A lamp is lit in the beginning shot and in the other shots the only source of light comes from the sun.

Macro Features

Mise en Scene - The props used symbolise many things in this opening scene. The lamp, tells us that the country or area which the characters live in is poor as they do not have access to electricity. Poor housing, the families houses are made from branches - all natural materials not man-made. This shows the audience that again, the area is poor or that the country is in poverty. The clothing also tells the audience about the poverty in which they live in as they can not afford better quality clothes. The main character is seen with his shirt unbuttoned, this may symbolise masculinity as the main male character is muscular and shows bare skin. He saves his family first before himself which shows heroism, he may be the hero in this film. The location of the film is exotic, calm and peaceful. But the sun shines bright and intense, this could symbolise that the peacefully scenery can be broken with intense conflict.

Iconography - Guns and weapons are used in this scene, this iconographies that this film maybe in the genre of action. Conflict between innocent villagers and 'rebels' iconographies that this film may also be in the genre of drama.

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