Friday, December 10, 2010

Secondary Research: Theories

Primary Research: Questionnaire

Targetting an Audience: Creep

Targetting an Audience: Saw II

Targetting an Audience: Scream

How does this film target particular social groups

aims at an age group between 18 and 25. This is because of its teen horror sub genre, containing mainly teenage protagonists.
This can be made for both genders as there is a strong female protagonist that women can relate to. For males, there is action, gore and attractive women This is a film with a predominantly white cast, aimed at middle aged white people.

How are these social groups attracted to the product?

These social groups are attracted to the product through things like adverts etc, which are broadcast on television, the internet, magazines and billboards. Other methods of attraction are;
- Junklets
- Billboards

- Reviews/ word of mouth

Summary of effective horror movie features

From my research, i have found the following methods are used best to create an effective horror opening;

Camera Work
- Camera angles are mainly handheld to give a sense of realism
- Medium shots are used mainly for conversations/ build up etc
- Close ups are used of iconography and of the monster fodder, to give the antagonist a sense of closeness.

- Minimal editing used to show calmness, editing speeds up with presence of the antagonist to show fear and panic.

- Motivated shots used to hint at the antics of the antagonist.
- Matched cuts (Shot/reverse shot) are used to show conversation.

- High use of filter lights to create shadows and a chairoscuro effect.
- Protagonists lit more than antagonist, this has been done to represent morality etc.

- Eerie, non diegetic sounds fade in and out to create tension when danger approaches.
- Diegetic screams and shouts used as iconography of the genre.
- Crescendo used to build tention.

- Isolated house, an ordinary environment provokes a sense of horror through realism. Any isolated, inescapable setting can be used.

- Monster fodder constantly used, no development of caracter or back story given, antagonist is myserious.

- Linear, stating a very clear beginning, middle and end. Flashbacks can also be incorporated into this.
- Three act structure, includes set up, confrontation and resolution.